eRulemaking: Improving Public Access and Participation in Federal Regulatory Process

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The Challenge

The federal regulatory process is often perceived as complex and difficult to understand, hindering public access and participation. Issues such as inconsistent data availability on regulations and lack of comprehensive search capabilities impede public engagement. Additionally, the absence of standardized document naming conventions and data protocols further complicates the regulatory landscape.


To address these challenges, the eRulemaking Program is implementing initiatives to promote transparency, public participation, and collaboration in the federal regulatory process. By establishing a common taxonomy, naming conventions, and data protocols for regulatory documents, the program aims to simplify document management and enhance search capabilities on The use of standard field names and Rule Identification Numbers (RINs) will streamline document tracking and promote transparency in agency decision-making.


Through the eRulemaking Program, federal agencies will adopt consistent practices for document management and publication on By restructuring dockets and implementing standardized naming conventions, agencies will improve the public’s ability to find and search for regulatory information. Additionally, the use of RINs will enable stakeholders to track the entire lifecycle of a rulemaking action, enhancing transparency and accountability in the regulatory process. These initiatives will empower the public to engage more effectively with federal agencies and contribute to informed policymaking.


Over the next year, the eRulemaking Program will continue to enhance and the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS) to support standardized document management practices. By promoting transparency and streamlining document access, the program will facilitate greater public understanding and participation in the federal regulatory process with the aiid of Be Informed. Ultimately, these efforts will contribute to a more open, accessible, and collaborative regulatory environment, benefiting both government agencies and the public they serve.

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