Xebia: The value-oriented consultancy approach 

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The value-oriented actionable steps

The Challenge

Xebia used a value-oriented consultancy approach to define a tailored analysis and synthesis framework. The framework included a critical hypothesis, precise information requirements, intermediate and final analysis results, and the means for validating those results. These means were combined with Xebia’s consultancy assessment models and structured workshop formats. Furthermore, the value-oriented consultancy approach ensures a strong focus on the engagement value and outcome in an iterative agile manner. As a result, consultants can adapt during engagements given intermediate outcomes resulting from applying consultancy methods and customer interactions. In the end, this approach delivers value in co-creation with the customers in the form of concrete improvements already adopted during the engagements, as well as actionable next steps. 


Be Informed recently evolved their product strategy, marketing, and sales plans. Innovations in its existing product portfolio now fuel the product strategy. The company developed an architectural vision to achieve this strategy and hired an independent and trusted advisor (Xebia) to assess and challenge its plans.

Xebia assessed the product strategy and lined out the conse-quences on an architectural level. It also evaluated Be Informed ‘s organizational structure and its capability to adhere to the new product strategy. The company received an in-depth analysis of its current initiatives, and a positive validation of the steps already taken. The analysis also triggered Be Informed to evolve its product strategy and roadmap.

Be Informed can rely on positive business results and its ability to execute. Strategic product development initiatives will enable scaling up and accelerating growth. The product development organization delivers high-quality software and relies on valuable resources and competencies. The strategy requires an ongoing dialogue with the selected solution partners to explore and prioritize the “expected enablement value” of these initiatives. 

Smooth Assessment Process

Based on information already available at Be Informed and sever-al interviews across the organization, Xebia conducted a 360-degree assessment addressing the product strategy, the technical challenges, the organization, and the product roadmap.

Gartjan Grijzen, CTO at Be Informed, said, “While being inter-viewed during the assessment phase, I did not have the feeling of being assessed. We had a natural conversation about our product, processes, and resources. When given the final presentation, I was astonished by the structured methodology behind our conversation. The Xebia 360-degree scan proved to be a solid and proven methodical approach.”

“Entering the project, we were pleasantly surprised by the high grade of preparation by the Xebia Consultants.,” Grijzen continued. “They were up to speed immediately and well-informed about Be Informed, our vision, mission, and strategy, which allowed us to get to the core very quickly.”

During a whiteboard workshop about the system’s architecture, we jointly aligned the architectural vision with the innovation initiatives and the required resources and capacities. This alignment paved the way for architectural improvements to prepare for the product roadmap realization. 

Ready to Evolve for the Future

Guus Romeijn, COO at Be Informed, said, “Xebia explicitly helped us to elaborate on the Be Informed product value. In a co-creative manner, we sharpened our roadmap for the product management team, which will be leading our path for the upcoming two years. The positive results motivated us to work on actionable items immediately. Xebia helped us not only to identify the best next steps but also to make clear choices in which actions to pursue and which to waive. It also supported our approach to future investment planning.”

Romeijn continued, “When entering the assessment process, we had clear expectations in mind: an independent benchmark of where we stand today as a company. These expectations were met and exceeded. Xebia’s consultants showed a profound, background, state-of-the-art knowledge, flexibility, and consultan-cy skills to enable real co-creation. Also, their passion and pride showed their work and made it fun to work together.” 

Founded in 2001, Xebia was the first Dutch organization to embrace the Agile way of working. Since then, we have grown from a Java company into a full-service digital consulting company with 5,000 professionals working on a worldwide ambition with a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience within a particular field, such as Agile, DevOps, Data and AI, Cloud, Software Technology, Security, Low Code, and Microsoft Solutions.

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